We have expanded our traditional Science Projects Week to include Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) and therefore there is a lot more happening that will include students and parents.
STEM Displays:
Every tutor group up to Year 9 will produce a display that is STEM- related. These might be posters, machines or even video presentations. We will have a STEM Exhibition in the area outside the Administration Office on Friday 1st February, and parents are welcome to come and see, perhaps on their way to our first Celebration Assembly of 2019 on the same afternoon.
The Great Egg Drop:
As an engineering challenge, our students have to design a method of protecting their raw egg, dropped from the fifth floor of the building. Will they use parachutes? Bubble wrap? A box? Mind control? It’s up to them. All successful drops will win a certificate and there are also prizes for design.
Maths Challenges:
Mr. Steve is designing some estimation challenges for everyone to try. Students can guess how many sweets there are in a jar (with the sweets as a prize for the winner!), how much an object weighs, or what its capacity is. For parents, there is a tricky maths sheet with questions that start easy and get harder.
Outdoor Maths:
Mr. Matthew is organising an outdoor maths challenge for Primary students during the week. Let’s hope the rains have stopped!
We hope everyone involved will have a lot of fun taking part and creating.
Mr Martin Leigh Headteacher
