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At SIH we follow a blended curriculum consisting of the UK national curriculum and the Cambridge International Curriculum.  The secondary school is broken up into three stages. Keystage 3 is the focus for years 7, 8 and 9.  Students then move into Keystage 4 which is years 10 and 11 and is where students study for their IGCSE examinations and then finally they move into our sixth form - Keystage 5 which is our year 12 and 13.

Keystage 3
Year 7,8 and 9

When a student enters the secondary department of SIH, he/she is in Year 7 and will be learning all subjects in English, with the exception of Thai. The curriculum followed at SIH is based on the Key Stage 3 English National Curriculum, and students continue to study in this manner up until the end of Year 9.  The students at SIH have the opportunity to study a wide range of subject areas including English, Thai, Maths, Science, ICT/Computing, History, Global Perspectives, Physical Education, PSHE (Personal Social and Health Education), Art & Design, Music and Mandarin.  Key Stage 3 focuses on providing the foundation knowledge for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education which begins in Year 10.  Please click the button below to discover further information about the subjects studied at KS3.

Keystage 4 
Year 10 and 11

Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE).  IGCSEs are external international qualifications and are highly respected, internationally recognized qualifications.  Toward the end of Year 9 the students will be given options to study at IGCSE level in Year 10 and 11. The students will all study English, Maths, Science and Thai (if a Thai national). They also have optional subject choices, which include Art & Design, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Global Perspectives and ICT/Computing. In addition they will take non-exam courses in PE, Mandarin and PSHE (Personal Social Health and Education). At SIH the IGCSE's will be taken at the end of Year 11. These are externally set examinations, meaning that the exam papers are prepared and issued by an official body and upon student completion, are then returned for external marking and grading.  Please click the button below to discover further information about the subjects studied at KS4.   ​

Keystage 5 
Year 12 and 13

Cambridge AS and A levels - These are external international qualifications and are highly respected, internationally recognised qualifications.  Students would normally take 4 AS levels in subjects they have passed well at IGCSE, sitting examinations at the end of Year 12. They would then normally continue into Year 13 with three of those subjects. The options available will depend on the number of students joining the sixth form.  Please click the button below to discover further information about the subjects studied at KS5.

Find out more about the Keystage 3 curriculum.
Years 7, 8 and 9

Find out more about the Keystage 4 curriculum.
Years 10 and 11

Find out more about the Keystage 5 curriculum.
Years 12 and 13



789 Rajuthit Rd, Hat Yai District,  Songkhla Province 90110

TEL: +66(0) 74 252 111
FAX: +66(0) 74 252 998


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